Crisis Intervention Services
Crisis support and response are available 24/7 by calling 306-682-4135 or filling out the intake form. Referrals from professionals (RCMP, EMS, hospitals, victim services) are always prioritized.
Crisis intervention is immediate and short-term care for individuals, families, workplaces, or communities that are experiencing distress due to an event that has happened. We offer 24/7 services to assist those who are experiencing crisis and need immediate support in order to remain safe.
Presenting crisis issues may include:
- Suicidal thoughts or actions
- Sexual assault
- Fleeing domestic violence/abuse
- Child(ren) at risk
- Sudden death
- Accidents
- Immediate eviction/homelessness
Crisis intervention services are immediate. They serve to connect individuals with the appropriate resource to meet their needs “here and now”.
Clients who access crisis intervention services will be referred on to an appropriate ongoing program, either through PARTNERS or another service (income assistance, hospital, etc).